Monday, April 22, 2013

First Chapter Due

My first chapter is due in my YA class in a few days now. I've already have five chapters but it's very rough. Or, at least to me they're rough. Another bridge I have to cross is believing that my story can stand up. If I don't believe in it, it won't be able to stand up to criticism. When someone says that "this has to much [insert something] in it" I have to either say "I see what you mean" or "No, it has the right amount, you just don't see the big picture". It's hard sometimes to know which is right. Obviously no one knows my child the way I do. My main character is and will always be my friend and my child. I will protect her/him and cry when I can't.

This brings me to the reason why I love to write. I write because I want people to meet these characters I have met and love. They aren't known to anyone but me and I think it's a shame. I try to put them in a world that best shows off their talents, weaknesses, compassion, and skills. This is also why I'm a bit hesitant in letting them meet other people. I'm afraid that other people with judge them and put them in categories. They are just trying to be themselves, not anyone else. Each character, no matter their gender, sexuality, or belief, is part of me. I sometimes base them off of a friend or family member but in the end, they have something in common with me. When I show them to someone, it's like sharing a private thought to a stranger. It's very nerve-racking. But I want to let people know that there are people like this around and they deserve to be known, because it's how I express myself.

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